AMAZING & Unique Gift Ideas for Cat Lovers
My mom LOVES cats, so every year, I try and get her something unique and fun that has to do with cats. Wow, I didn’t realize how many really cute and unique gifts ideas there were for cat lovers!
Here are some of my favorites – but don’t show my mom =)

Updated on November 8, 2022
Posts may contain affiliate links and yes, there's ads too (that's how I keep the lights on here). Ads *should* reduce as you scroll down the page - thank you for understanding and for supporting the blogging community - we all work so hard! Enjoy and feel free to share on Pinterest or with your friends!
Cat Purse Found Here

Ceramic Cat Measuring Cups Found Here
Cat Figure Pop-up Note Dispenser Found Here
Cat Wall Decals Found Here
Sleeping Cat Necklace Found Here
Cute Cat Zippered Tote Found Here
More Cute Cat Gift Ideas:
=> Ben has an AMAZING list of cat lover gifts here
=> Kaarin has really cute cat gift find here
(LOVE the Crazy Cat Lady Coloring Book – Mom is totally getting that!)
The Crazy Cat lady coloring book is found here. Adorable, right?