DIY Valentine Cards For School-Treats & Ideas For Classmates
Cute & Easy Homemade Valentine Cards and DIY School Valentines For Kids To Make and Give –
My goodness, these school Valentine’s Day ideas are so cute! I love all these homemade classroom valentine cards and crafts for kids to make and give to their classmates and teachers!
My kids love creative craft ideas and all the fun activities for kids I find on Pinterest – and they get extra excited when we look for Valentine’s day crafts for kids too.
They love making their valentines for their friends each year, so I make sure I take the time to find not only easy ideas we can make, but also unique and FUN Valentine’s ideas for their classroom, teacher AND their classmates.
Let’s take a look at some of the cute homemade Valentines ideas my kids went nuts over.
Below are some of our favorite Valentine’s crafts and projects for kids.
My son LOVES the goldfish valentine idea for his class this year.
My daughter is torn between the DIY pencil valentine idea, the super cute shovel idea… and ANY valentine with candy attached to it.
I’ve also included ideas for snack and treats for a classroom Valentine’s Day party as well as some games they can play.
Hope it helps… and, if you’re wanting to make a gift for your guy…
Check out these DIY Valentine’s Day gifts for him.
Homemade Valentines Ideas
Throughout this page, we have a LOT of super cute (and easy) homemade valentines your kids can exchange with their classmates – feel free to pin any ideas you like to Pinterest.
While children may not seem interested in making valentines to give to their classmates today, it’s just something we moms know needs to be done.

It’s soooo tempting to just buy a box of Valentine’s Day cards and sign your kid’s name to them, we know that we really should help our children MAKE their valentines so they learn the proper lessons about giving.
Not only are making homemade valentines a fun task to do, it also helps with motor skills and creativity as well. While the DIY Valentine’s Day cards you see in the pictures on this page might be a bit TOO involved for you, you don’t have to get all fancy with it.
All that is needed is a simple piece of paper. The paper can be folded, cut, shaped in any way that they would like it to be.
Here are some more really cute homemade valentines ideas you can make (uh, I mean, your kids can make…haha!)
Need something easier? Here’s a really simple homemade valentine to try:
* Fold the paper in half, and then fold it in half again in the other direction.
* Trim the outer edge as desired and cut a straight line diagonally across the folded corner. This will make a diamond shape in the middle.
* Fold it diagonally. Cut hearts along the diagonal line. When the paper is unfolded, there is a line of pin pricks, which make it look much like a piece of lace.
* Add this lacy paper to the top of a piece of pink or red paper.
* Add decorations such as a picture of cupid, a coloring of a rose or anything that is enjoyable.

This is a simple, affordable way to make homemade Valentines that parents and other friends will love to hang on to for many years to come. If your child seems to want to use only Valentines that are store bought, this should be okay as well. Allow them to pick those that they find enjoyable and help them to make those for others as well.
Valentine Treats for School
Are you as tired as I am of those little white heart-shaped candies with messages like “I like You” printed on them? Be a little creative this year and come up with some new Valentine’s Day treats for the classroom this year. Here are a few ideas to get you started.

Valentine’s Day Cookies
Make a batch of Sugar cookies or pick up some refrigerated dough at the grocery store.
Cut them out with a heart-shaped cookie cutter and bake.
Frost with a glaze of powdered sugar, water and a little red food coloring, or make it really simple and buy a container of pre-made frosting.
Use some frosting pens to write messages or draw on the cookies.
Add a few sprinkles and you’re set!
Don’t forget to invite your kids to get involved in decorating any cookies they are taking to school. They will have a great time preparing these special treats.
Valentine’s Cup Cakes
Purchase a box of devil’s food cake mix (or your favorite flavor) and prepare according to package directions.
Line muffin tins with paper liners and pour enough batter in each to fill to about 1/3 full.
Top with 1 tbsp of fruit preserves (strawberry works great) then add more batter until the muffin tins are approximately 3/4 filled.
Bake according to cake mix directions.
When they are cool, dust them with powdered sugar, or frost them and sprinkle with red-hot candy hearts.
Valentine’s Day Cake
Bake any flavor cake in a heart shaped cake form.
Let cook and cut in half horizontally.
Mix a few drops of red food coloring into a container of whipped topping, and spread some on the bottom layer of the cake.
Add the top layer and frost the entire outside of the cake.
Top with fresh berries.

Chocolate Lollipops
Get some heart-shaped lollipop molds.
Melt milk chocolate, dark chocolate or white chocolate (quality chocolate chips work great).
Pour the melted chocolate in the mold and add a lollipop stick.
Let cool until hardened. Wrap in cellophane and tie with a little bow.
Use leftover chocolate and plastic spoons to create fancy coffee stirrers for your child’s teacher.
Simply dip the plastic spoons in the melted chocolate.
Let cool and repeat until you reach the desired thickness.
Both of these can be decorated by drizzling different types of melted chocolate over the finished product.
Have fun this year creating some wonderful Valentine’s Day treats.
I’m sure you will come up with a delicious treat that will be a big hit in your child’s classroom!

Valentine’s Class Party Ideas
If you’re the ‘class mom’ in charge of this year’s Valentine’s Day party in your child’s class, you might be struggling to come up with some games the kids can play.
Here are several great Valentines Day party classroom games.
Word Find
Start with the word Valentine, see how many words you can come up with in 1 minute. Continue with more Valentine related word such as: Valentine, sweetheart, Chocolate, flowers, friends, cards, etc. and find as many little words as possible before the timer runs out.
Example: Chocolate
Words: late, at, ate, tea, tale, tool, cool, hat, hot, cat, coat…

Valentine Dictionary
Have some Valentine words written on cards, place them in a container.
Divide the students into two groups.
The first team chooses a word, when the timer starts (1 minute) they draw clues to get their team to guess the answer.
Teams score 1 point if they guess the correct answer before the timer goes off.
Then they switch and the other team takes a turn.
You can set a word, point or time limit to decide when the game ends.
Here are some word suggestions:
valentine, broken heart, cupid, arrow, fall in love, dozen roses, chocolates, crush, girlfriend, boyfriend, hugs, dance, love letter, February, card, jewelry, flowers
Cupids Surprise
Before your party wrap enough small prizes for each guest in a box.
Then wrap it in a larger box, then larger and larger etc.
Each box should be wrapped in red, pink or Valentine paper.
Sit the kids in a circle and play music while the box is passed around the circle.
When the music is stopped, the player holding the box begins to unwrap it.
Then, start the music again…the box is passed…music stops…unwrap etc.
Continue like this until the final box is unwrapped and the prizes can be passed out.
Stacking Heart Challenge
Make a tower of hearts, it isn’t as easy as you think.
This racing game is lots of fun filled with cheering and laughing.
You’ll need to buy plenty of small conversation hearts, I recommend a few bags.
The object of the game is to build the tallest tower of candy hearts in the allotted amount of time (30 seconds should do).
When the time is up, the kids count the hearts to see who is the winner.
Then the next 2 players have turn.
This game is usually a big enough hit for each player to request another turn.

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