New Years Eve Ideas For Families-Kids Friendly Party Ideas
New Years Eve Party Ideas for Families with Kids -So here comes New Years Eve and you’ve got the kids – what to do on New Years Eve WITH the kids that is family-friendly and EVERYONE will enjoy?
We found some cute, fun, and easy New Years Eve party and activity ideas that the kids will love AND you’ll have a good time, too!

Updated on December 26, 2022
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Fun New Year’s Eve Ideas For The Family:
I think it’s pretty safe to assume that we ALL will stay up late on New Year’s Eve (even the kids), have a blast at a party with family or friends, eat a lot of candy and party food, kiss someone ‘special’ at midnight – and then wake up in the morning (after sleeping in), eat brunch and watch a parade, catch a football game, and make some New Year’s resolutions.
That’s just how we all roll on New Years, right?
But let’s jump back to New Years EVE – what if you don’t have a sitter? Or perhaps you prefer to have a family-friendly New Years party WITH the kids.
What do you DO with the kids that is fun for the whole family?
Here are some fun and easy New Years Eve ideas for families and kids:
What To With KIDS On New Years Eve?
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1) Camp out in the Family Room: Let the kids stay up late, and everyone sleep out in the family room together. Have a party – play games together as a family, make lots of snacks, watch the ball drop, rent a movie, etc. – just have a fun night together.
2) Predictions & Guesses: Each person in the family writes down their predictions for the upcoming year: will their be a marriage, a new baby, what world events will happen, who will win an election, what team will win the Super Bowl, or any other significant world or family event.
Write them down, collect them, store them, and then look at them the next year to see who was right.

Make a special candy treat to celebrate the New Year – the kids will love it!

Why let the kids do some special crafts on New Years Eve? It sure will keep them busy =)
3) Christmas ‘Thank You’ Notes: Get out some cards and everyone write thank yous to grandparents, family, and friends who gave gifts to you that year.
4) Turn the Clock Ahead: If you have really young kids, turn the clock ahead so that they can still enjoy the fun of celebrating the New Year, but still get to bed at a reasonable hour (which will make YOUR New years DAY much better!)
5) Gift Giving: You know all those hard to find Christmas toys you somehow managed to get under the tree this year?
Why not have each child pick an OLD toy to donate to a child without?
Some places that take (and APPRECIATE) used toy donations are:
– Local Church Groups
– Children’s Hospitals
– Operation Homefront (for military families)
– Your Local Family and Children Services Department
– Preschools and Daycares
and this program takes donated stuffed animals to help comfort children in traumatic situations (they do GREAT stuff!)

Turn New Years Eve into an extra-special family movie night where everyone gets their own New Year’s Party Snack Caddy!

6) Winter Camping & Vacation: Go camping with friends or as a family … yes, in the winter time to enjoy family experience days. Or, just make it a tradition to have a family winter vacation.
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7) The Resolution: We all write resolutions that are kept for a good 3-4 days (right!).
This year, choose just one habit to break, or one resolution to stick with, or one relationship to improve, or one talent to develop, etc. – and commit to it and DO IT!
(there are resolution printables there for adults AND for kids)
8) Put Away the Christmas Decorations: Make it a yearly tradition to take down and put away the Christmas decorations together as a family.
You might even want to consider turning your Christmas tree into a New Year’s tree!

Have the whole family help UN-decorate the Christmas tree and turn it into a New Year tree!

Have a neon GLOW party table for New Years Eve – the kids LOVE it!
9) New Year’s Meals: Every year, sleep in and have a large New Years breakfast and/or dinner as a family. But, ensure you have the same traditional meal every year.
10) Family Resolutions & Planning: In addition to writing personal resolutions, write and commit to some family goals. Perhaps it is spending more time together, each child helping around the house more, parents being more kind and loving, have more ‘family nights’ together, etc. Also, pull out the calendar and plan for significant events and family vacations in the upcoming year.
New Years Resolutions For KidsFound Here2023 New Year Resolutions: Note BookFound Here
There are lots of inexpensive and fun family-friendly New Years Eve ideas, but above everything else… as long as you’re all together, that’s all that REALLY matters!
Happy New Year!
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