Fire Pit Ideas And Seating Inspo For Your Backyard Oasis (on any budget!)
Let’s take a look at some simple outdoor fire pit ideas, seating area ideas, gorgeous DIY backyard fire pit designs and DIY fire pit ideas for YOUR yard or patio.
LOTS of pictures, designs, seating ideas and frequently asked questions about building your own fire pit in YOUR backyard. Everyone should have a fire pit hang out area – it’s the BEST on summer nights!

Updated on June 21, 2024
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Building a backyard fire pit can seem like a huge task but with the right design, landscaping and seating area, your backyard will be THE place to hang out all year round for your family and friends.
I saw these coastal sea-side fire pit set up ideas from Victoria Waters on Instagram and I got ALL too excited about having a fire pit area just like it in MY backyard.
Seriously, couldn’t you sit there all day AND all night? It’s so cozy!
That’s TOTALLY how I want my fire pit to be set up…. But what about SEATS?
Surely we don’t want everyone STANDING around your fire pit, right?
Let’s talk about homemade seating – from cheap and easy to some fancy impressive ideas.
We’ll want COMFORTABLE seating, right?
In the perfect world, my backyard would look like THIS from Rivers Landscape on Instagram – with THAT fire pit and THAT pool… and yep, THOSE chairs too!
✅ Did You Know… The most comfy fire pit chairs are these chairs.
They are wide and low to the ground, have arm rests and have a slight reclined angle for back support and are SUPER comfy!
This is what they look like:

When deciding on seating around your fire pit, keep in mind that fixed built-in permanent seating is not always the best option.
It’s common to move closer and further away from the fire as the the heat temperature changes so it’s best if your seats can be moved around.
Let me show you a GORGEOUS fire pit seating area (the How To Video is BELOW the pictures)
Isn’t it beautiful? The whole seating area design just begs you to sit and stay a LONG while and hang out.
And that white gravel – wow!
And take a look at the unique (and cheap) seating they used:
Yep, that is a cheap wicker love seat – very clever!
Love all the aesthetic decorating touches too – from the potted plants on old stumps and the hanging lantern along the walkway, the throw pillows…. ALL of it!
I just LOVE it – total inspiration for MY backyard.
Here’s the quick video showing how they put together this fire pit and the seating area:
@housemixblog DIY fire pit • MORE on YouTube & blog #diyfirepit #diyhome #learnontiktok #outdoordecor #outdoorlivingspace ♬ memories – Maroon 5
How MANY chairs should you have?
If you’re not sure how MANY chairs you can have around a fire pit for seating, plan on at least 4 – 6 chairs around a smaller fire pit seating area or at least 4 bench seating areas. Place the seating at least 7 feet away from the edge of the fire pit for optimal distance and safety.
As you can see in the picture below, there is room for at least 6 chairs for a small round fire pit seating area, maybe even 8 chairs.
Below you will find LOTS of simple fire pit ideas (the pictures are SO helpful), as well as fire pit seating ideas for a round, rectangle or square fire pit or ANY outdoor fire pit design.
I’ll also show you the MOST comfy fire pit chairs EVER as well as DIY fire pit bench seating, chair sets and more ideas for seating around your fire pit.
Simple Fire Pit Seating Ideas:
1. Fire Pit Seating Design Idea-Pictures Below
Such a simple seating idea for a round fire pit – just put cheap outdoor chairs in a circle with the arm rests touching each other.
2. Use Cheap Fire Pit Seats Like This:
Add an aesthetic pop of color to your firepit seating area with brightly colored chairs.
3. Use Low Cost DIY Homemade Seats Like This
For simple (and CHEAP) seating around your firepit, use stumps and large logs from a cut up tree as seats around your fire pit.
This FRONT yard fire pit has such a primitive and rustic look, don’t you agree?
(we’ll talk about fire pits in your FRONT yard in a minute)
4. Try a DIY Curved Bench
Build an easy DIY curved fire pit bench seating space, paint it white and add bright colored accent pillows – gorgeous!
5. Stacked Rock Seating
This backyard fire pit is one of my favorite ideas – it’s SO beautiful and aesthetically pleasing to me.
I love the stacked rock bench and wall seating around this fire pit area – the throw pillows soften the overall appearance of the rock and make it so welcoming!
6. Use Concrete Blocks
This square backyard fire pit uses cheap concrete blocks as the base for the fire pit bench seating area.
I don’t think we could handle the stacked rock seating from picture #5 above, but this idea, with plain and simple concrete blocks, I think we COULD do lol!
7. Use All Weather Adirondack Chairs
Adirondack chairs are THE most comfortable outdoor chairs you will EVER sit in. I know they don’t LOOK comfortable, but they truly are. Once you sit in an Adirondack chair, you won’t want to get up… which makes them PERFECT for fire pit seating!
If you use outdoor all-weather Adirondack chairs as the seating around your fire pit, you can leave them outdoors all year long.
Some the Adirondack chairs for outdoor use are made from a resin, polywood and other weather-resistant materials.
You can also use these cheaper plastic folding Adirondack chairs that are MUCH easier to move and store AND are still weather-proof.
8. Use What You Have or Can Get For Free
If you’re on a budget, creating seating around your backyard fire pit can be a challenge.
To save money, use random things you already have and /or can get from others for FREE.
A perfect example is this fire pit seating idea in the picture above: just use wood from a cut up tree and some scrap wood to make a firepit seating area – it works just fine and gives your bon fire area a more primitive, rustic out-in-the-woods feel to it.
✅ note: these are the super comfortable fire pit chairs I was talking about above:
All-Weather Outdoor Adirondack Fire Pit Chairs✅ See ThisFolding Lightweight Adirondack Fire Pit Seating✅ See This
Fire Pit Ideas
Trying to figure out how you want your fire pit and seating area to look can feel a bit overwhelming with so many choices (as you’ll see in the pictures below).
Do you want a country rustic look for your backyard fire pit area?
Should you use wood, propane or gas?
What shape or design should you look for?
And most importantly, how can you ensure that your new outdoor fire is safe?
A fire pit is not quite a fireplace and not quite a campfire: it’s a completely different animal (yet it can also be used as a grill.
That’s why we’ve included important tips for helping you figure out your what type of fire pit you want to build.
But before we dive into common questions about fire pits…
Lots of fire pit pictures and seating ideas, backyard fire pit design ideas and more! You are sure to find the perfect outdoor fire pit idea you can easily DIY on a budget!
DIY Fire Pit Instructions
Let’s learn how to make a cheap and simple DIY fire pit in your back yard – it’s so simple and budget-friendly!
We’re planning on putting one of these fire pits in our backyard near our new hot tub!
Items Needed To Build a Fire Pit
- 1. a stake, masonry string and flour – to mark the diameter of the fire pit
- 2. a shovel – to dig the soil
- 3. a mattock – to loosen the soil
- 4. a plastering trowel – I found it useful for leveling the ground
- 5. a (masonry) level
- 6. paving stones (52 pieces)
- 7. ready mortar mix, plus water – as an adhesive between the paving stones
- 8. a rubber mallet – to set and adjust the paving stones
- 9. pebbles (33 lbs)
How To DIY It
- Mark the center of the fire pit and draw a circle for the seating area for chairs or benches like in our pictures. The inner diameter of the fire pit is 31.5 in.
- Measure your seating area around the fire pit like the example in picture below – be sure to have plenty of room for chairs or benches.
- Dig up the soil.
- Level the ground.
- Lay and adjust the first row of paving stones.
- Apply masonry.
- Lay the second row of paving stones.
- Check the paving stones to keep them level.
- Leave some big gaps in the third row, for air flow.
- Add some pebbles to the center – this helps draining water.
- Create nice seating area around the fire pit
- Decorate area with hanging lights, plants and flowers, cute side tables, etc
✅ Fire Pit FAQ
☑ Why Dig a Hole For a Fire Pit?
The reason a hole is dug for a fire pit is to give more control over the fire. There are many pros and cons of an in ground fire pit vs an above ground fire pit including fire pit flooding after rain, better air flow for a better fire, ease of moving your fire pit location and aesthetics. As an example, an above ground fire pit is better for putting off heat, while a fire pit hole is best for cooking.
☑ How Much Firewood Do I Need?
For an average sized fire pit that is about 3-4 feet wide, you will need 2 bundles of firewood for every two hours of fire in your fire pit. Keep in mind that the longer your fire pit is burning the faster the firewood will to be used up since the fire is hotter.
☑ How Can I Make a DIY Heat Shield For a Fire Pit on a Deck?
To make a DIY heat shield (or heat deflector) for a fire pit on a deck:
- Measure Your Fire Pit
- Choose Your Preferred Heat Shield Material
- Make The Heat Deflector Lid
- Make the Heat Shield Stand
- Connect The Lid and Stand
- Install the Heat Shield
Here’s how to make a DIY heat shield for a deck fire pit step by step:
☑ Best Outside Temperature For a Fire Pit?
The best outside temperature for a fire pit is above 40 degrees Farenheit. Also consider wind conditions when using a fire pit regardless of outside temperature.
☑ Can You Put a Canopy Over a Fire Pit?
You can put a canopy or tent over a propane fire pit, but use extreme caution putting a canopy over a wood burning fire pit.
☑ Is Mulch Safe Around a Fire Pit?
Mulch is not the best ground cover for around a fire pit since mulch can be very flammable. IF you use mulch around your fire pit, be sure to soak the mulch area before buring your fire pit to keep your mulch safe and prevent it from burning.
☑ Can You Have a Fire Pit In Your FRONT yard?
You can have a fire pit in your front yard as long as your state, city and neighbor laws do not prevent it. Regardless of where your put a fire pit in your yard, be sure it is at least 20 feet away from your house or other structures.
Glass Fire Pits
Outdoor Fire Pit Designs
Best Choice Products BCP Extruded Aluminum Gas Outdoor Fire Pit Table With CoverRead ReviewsThe design and shape of your outdoor fire pit typically depends on whether you opt for portable or stationary outside fire pits. More often than not, the portables will be made of metal or copper, have a large round bowl design, and sit in a metal stand. Wood will be placed in this bowl-or if you’re opting for a gas hook-up, ceramic logs or fake-burning coals-and the removable protective screen placed on top. As mentioned before, portables are more function than design, so their options are somewhat limited. Chimneys also fall under the category of portables, boasting the antique wood-burning stove look, but because they are smaller and allow a lot less heat to radiate out, are less practical.
Custom-built or permanent fire pits, on the other hand, come in a host of shapes and designs, due to the fact that you are having the unit professionally-installed.
Typically, you can find these in round, square, or rectangular shapes depending what material you use (brick, stone, wood, or concrete), and they come equipped with a built-in steel screen siding and metal enclosure doors for enhanced protection when not in use.
When it comes to backyard fire pit designs, get creative with it!
One of our favorite fire pit ideas for the backyard is this porch swing fire pit – isn’t it awesome?
Patio Fire Pit Ideas
Wood or Gas Fire Pits
Landmann 25282 Barrone Fire Pit with Cover, 26-Inch, Antique BronzeRead ReviewsBoth portable and permanent fire pits will require either wood, gas, or both. If the fire pit you have your eye on prefers wood exclusively, it is most important to find out what type of wood. Some fire pits will burn regular firewood logs exclusively (aged wood is always the best choice rather than new or green wood), and so you will just buy the same type of cords you would for a fireplace.
To avoid safety hazards and general maintenance of your fire pit, you should never try to burn a pressed wood or fire log (paper-enclosed quick-light). The reason being; that because firelogs are made from sawdust materials, they will burn hotter than a fire pit crafted for cord wood can handle.
Some fire pits, however, will offer the versatility of burning cordwood, pressed wood, and firelogs; in its safety specifications.
Just remember that, unlike regular wood, only one firelog should be burnt at a time.
Also note that if a fire pit’s specs allows for pressed wood, it will be able to burn the somewhat comparable firelogs.
The alternative to wood-fire is a gas hook-up.
Gas will burn cleaner than wood, uses ceramic logs and fake burning coals, and can provide you with an almost-real look and warmth for your trip or patio. The only catch with gas-powered outdoor heat is that it requires more close and constant attention, due to its limitless supply of flammable energy.
Patio Fire Pit Ideas
Fire Pit Cost
Cost is always a significant factor when making your outdoor fire pit plans.
Portable fire pit units are the simplest, cost-effective solution to your outdoor heating.
Depending upon the varying features and supplies the portable comes with, it will typically range anywhere from $150-$500. This is due to the fact that your portable fire pit is built of lighter and subsequently, less durable materials for easy transportation; and doesn’t require the costly installation that a permanent or custom-built fire pit does.
Portables are the perfect investment for people who want an outdoor, low-maintenance fire; but either can’t afford the solid structure of a custom-built, or have yet to find a relatively-permanent home to properly reap the long-term benefits.
Custom-built or permanent fire pits will call upon heavy-duty, all-weather materials such as stone, brick, concrete, or wood; and typically necessitate a space in your backyard of 15-20ft wide. Because of their lifetime permanence and varying backyard landscaping needed, hiring local contractors and installers might be quite labor-intensive and can run you thousands.
It all comes down to your particular situation, though. For most homeowners, the lifetime durability and projected use usually outweighs the cost. But if cost is an issue, portables are the easy, cost-effective quick-fix to your outdoor heating whims.
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